24 September 2021
Portrait Claudia Schembri-Heitmann

This complex and at the same time exciting topic is illuminated from various perspectives and levels and the viewer experiences step-by-step how a very insightful overall picture of Matrix unfolds.

It is explained that terms such as ‘blueprint’, ‘universal energy field’ or ‘quantum information field’ have similarities. Depending from which side observations are made, a difference in the choice of words can be seen and at the same time the respective observers would refer to the same thing.

The term ‘matrix’ has its roots in the Latin ‘mater’, mother. Something develops out of the matrix which is a nurturing field. We also learn in this video that there are different fields, but they are all interconnected. These energy fields also influence various aspects of life, such as our environment, different societies, religion, family… and thus our emotions, ways of reacting and feeling on our different levels.

Most people look for the matrix in the macrocosm, i.e. in the outside, but it is necessary to find it also in the microcosm, i.e. in ourselves. At which point René provocatively raises the question if and how ‘God’ enters the equation.

“God is the source of all this. Most people (in science) would refer to ‘consciousness’ for this, the source of everything.”

We also learn that the belief that the world around us is already finished is not true. In quantum physics, people talk about how atoms are not solid particles, but tendencies. Instead of thinking in terms of things, we should think in terms of possibilities or potentialities through which we create our personal experiences.

“Consciousness is all there is. There is consciousness at rest and consciousness in motion.” – Ramesh S. Balsekar

The last part deals with epigenetics. With great empathy and a dose of humour, the viewer is made aware of how much the human being is shaped by all experiences and external influences, how inseparably everything is connected. The causes of illness and suffering in various forms are explained to us, as well as what could initiate healing which requires change. With the conclusion: the human being needs love …

Author: Helga Artner


Dr. Claudia Schembri-Heitmann, Practitioner, Teacher & Researcher: www.balance.com.mt


Claudia has published a number of her lectures online, most recently from last year’s  XXIV International Scientific Congress “SCIENCE. INFORMATION. SPIRIT


  • Doctorate & Ph.D. in Integrative Medicine (IQUIM, USA), 2019
  • Heilpraktikerin (Naturopath, Germany), 2001
  • Diplom-Sportlehrerin / Sporttherapeutin (Graduate in Sports Science & Therapy, DSHS & DVGS, Germany), 1989
  • Certified BG-EHS (BioGeometry Environmental Home Solutions) Practitioner, 2018
    BioGeometry Instructor in training (BioGeometry®, Dr. Ibrahim Karim), TBA

Claudia Schembri-Heitmann was born in 1965 in Bad Oldesloe (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany).  In October 1989, she graduated as a Diplom-Sportlehrerin (Sports Specialist) after studying the Science of Sports for four years at the German University of Sports Sciences in Cologne (Germany). 

Claudia extended her post-graduation studies and received further qualifications by taking additional courses specializing in the rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries, spinal therapy and heart conditions, apart from the regular health and sports training.  Since graduating, Claudia has worked in several leading positions as Head of Sports & Movement Therapy within her professional line of work in Germany and Malta.  Claudia moved to Malta in early 1993 to work in the first holistic Therapy & Wellness Center established in Malta by a German Consortium.  Since then, she has specialized completely in Consciousness-based Healthcare, utilizing modalities that are quantum-based, wholistic and integrative. 

In December 2001, Claudia qualified as a Heilpraktikerin (Naturopath) in Germany.  In 2004 Claudia moved, together with her husband, Felix, and their son, Tim, to live in Southern Germany, where she set up a very successful clinic and professional seminar center in the Allgäu area (Bavaria), both of which encompass full consciousness-based healthcare principles and philosophy.  Living in central Europe was a must for Claudia, in order to enable her to travel regularly in Europe and worldwide, teaching Consciousness-based Healthcare and Quantum Medicine (mostly BodyTalk and other modalities) to thousands of students in all five continents.

In April 2019, Claudia received her degree of Doctorate & Ph.D. in Integrative Medicine from the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine (IQUIM, USA). The topic of her dissertation was “A New Quantum Healthcare Approach Applied with a Group of People (Matrix) Results in Positive Health of the Individuals within That Group”.

Claudia Schembri-Heitmann is a member of several professional organizations, including the International BodyTalk Association (IBA, of which she is one the leading international instructors and of which she was World President for long years), the German Federation of Health Sports and Sports Therapy (DVGS e.V.), The Reiki Network (TRN), Natural Healing Association Kempten (NHV Kempten) and the German Association of Energy Medicine and Information Medicine (DGEIM e.V.).


9:31: The quote “Every system is composed of systems, every system is a member of a system and the forces between systems are systems.  To understand any one system requires understanding the body as a whole and to understand the body as a whole requires understanding each system.  No one part, or system is more fundamental than any other.” by Jeffrey Maitland, 1980, originates from James Oschman’s book ‘Energy Medicine’, 2009, p. 146.

13:32: The excerpt is from the film What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?)

15:08: Ramesh Balsekar is a renowned Advaita-philosophy master, s. Wikipedia



René and Mischa Vögtli-Egloff, reiki-international

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