Dr. Francis Vendrell is a man of many roles. Reiki practitioner/teacher, Zen Buddhist monk and not least physicist. “We need transdisciplinary approaches to create knowledge which is unite and complete. The reality, the universe is not split in two parts, in two different parts. It is just unity.”
Is reiki an energy? What about the contradictions in Reiki (non-invasive, cannot be influenced, resonates to disharmony, goes to the root cause of dis-harmony, etc.)? Does reiki have an inherent ‘intelligence’? Why differentiate between Reiki and reiki?
Life is built on ‘coherence’ and this grants an insight into a new paradigm of understanding where the reiki comes from. The observation that reiki mirrors disharmony and thus enhances healing is explored with a drawing.
When we say ‘disharmony’ it can be translated into a more scientific term by saying that disharmony is actually ‘incoherence’. And harmony is ‘coherence’. How, now, does dis-ease become at ease, ie incoherence to a state of coherence? How does healing happen?
In physics there is also something called ‘disorder’, which gets higher and higher in the universe. At the same time a healthy human-being is made of order. Which begs the question: how does nature bring forth ordered things such as living being while at the same time creating ever more dis-order? While the verdict in science may be still out, we can say that it (healing) is possible. I.e. it is possible to maintain or create more order within ourselves which means more harmony. Which means more coherence.
Paradoxically though, the heat often observed in Reiki treatments is disordered energy dissipating in a healing process – while we often think the heat is the ordering element, the healing. From this perspective the heat is a side-product almost like the smoke when wood burns.
The two discussants explore the compatibility of their views summerize them and as a final comment Francis emphasises that ‘order’ has to be understood as a dynamic process rather than something static.
Dr. Francis Vendrell (1967)
Reiki Teacher and Health Practitioner Physicist and Doctor of Science Zen monk.
I founded the Reiki Centre in 1999 after 10 years of practice.
I founded SwissReiki and am its current president and I am an originator of ERG .
I have an advanced scientific training and I wanted to integrate in my approach to Reiki rigour and seriousness but also intuition. Through my spiritual path, I wish to connect to the closest source of Reiki.
Parallel to my activity as a Reiki therapist, I am still active in scientific research. My goal is to contribute through science to a better foundation for a holistic approach to the human being. In particular, I study objective ways to evaluate Reiki.
Dr. John and Esther Veltheim: Reiki, the science, metaphysics and philosophy, ISBN-13: 978-0964594401
Dori Beeler: Spelling of Reiki versus reiki is adopted from Beeler’s article ‘Reiki as surrender: evidence of an external authority’, (2017) Journal of Contemporary Religion, 32:3, 465-478, DOI: 10.1080/13537903.2017.1362885