Our next milestone

Interview-Documentary featuring Frank Arjava Petter

With this video project, we delve into Reiki’s history, its controversies, and their resolution. It
aims to heal rifts and to become a Case Study of Reconciliation benefitting the global Reiki
community. And to inspire beyond.

Frank A. Petter and our team completed filming in early 2025, editing and production unfolds during the year. Keep yourself updated about the progress of the project. 

We still welcome new donors and sponsors. In return we offer attractive rewards. Learn about the project and the benefits for you.

Support the project with your contribution

Together let us take another leap forward on the path to reconciliation, liberating current and future generations of remnants of dissonance from the past. Let us be a shining example in these serious times.


Declaration - a peace initiative

To attain truce and hold the vision of peace, a precondition is to know where one stands. We appeal to people of reason and compassion to sign the Declaration of Position with us.

Currently 283 persons/organizations are on the List of Signatories.

Join us! May we create together a momentum of consciousness. In us and in people around us.

More about this initiative on our project page.


Interesting people and their truths 

Opinions are the raw material for the reconciliation work. In RTalks we share ideas across boundaries. Contrarian ideas are welcome as we cultivate the art of ‘agreeing to disagree’. 

Latest RTalk:

RTalk 'The value' with René Vögtli and Team

The value with René Vögtli and Team

The RTalk project has released so far about 50 RTalk-interviews with the diversity of people and topics. In this RTalk René Vögtli, Adriano Fattizzo and Inna Upart reflect on the value of the RTalk project for the team, the Reiki community and for the RTalk […]


Coexistence – creations and collaborations

Some projects are ours, some are initiated by others. They all harbour a conciliatory spirit. We build bridges and facilitate cooperation and inclusiveness. We honour, indeed celebrate the richness of our all diversity. 

Latest project:


Declaration of Position – a peace initiative

“In the face of the global volatility by October 2023 and the urgent need for a silencing of the guns, it is eminently important that one consolidate one’s own position. Thus, the peace initiative ‘Declaration of position’.

Update 07/12/2023:
A lively discourse has been triggered by the Declaration, online and by Email. And an article looking at the Definition of peace, Controversies, Aggression, Violence and Civilians was released on René and Mischa Vögtli's website https://reiki-international.net/peace-initiative-declaration-of-position/


Your financial contribution allows us
to continue our work!


A donation is very welcome – whatever the amount.

Click on the button below to make a donation via PayPal. Thank you very much!


We invite you to take your place on our Sponsors Page. Let us discuss your engagement in a personal conversation. Please contact us. Or if you have made up your mind, you may use our form.

You can support our RTalks and have your own or your organisation’s name as a sponsor on a RTalk page. The 2020 review with all our guest is a good example.

Principal sponsors


Keep yourself up to date about new projects and RTalk’s!

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And of course, you can cancel your subscription at any time afterwards.


Conciliation aims at peaceful co-existence
honouring – celebrating – diversity. 

“Create conciliation in the Reiki world so that current and future generations are free of remnants of dissonance from the past.” This is the fixed star of our vision.

We first appeared in public in January 2017 with our documentary-interview RECONCILIATION and the video archive 66 steps… In the meantime a number of projects followed; some more, some less visible.

The re-launch of our website in July 2020 and particularly Building bridges provides insight into our work. 

More in in About us & our Vision

Switzerland, January 2017

Most Recently

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