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Interview-Documentary with Frank Arjava Petter

A Candid Conversation with Reiki Master Frank Arjava Petter, Hosted by René Vögtli. We are excited to launch a Kickstarter campaign for the second Documentary-Interview featuring Frank Arjava Petter and hosted by René Vögtli. This project delves into Reiki’s history, its controversies, and their resolution. It aims to heal rifts and to become a case-study of reconciliation for and beyond the Reiki community. The documentary will be a free-flowing conversation captured over three days, resulting in a 40-50 minute main feature video and an archive of the entire discussion.

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Declaration of Position – a peace initiative

“In the face of the global volatility by October 2023 and the urgent need for a silencing of the guns, it is eminently important that one consolidate one’s own position. Thus, the peace initiative ‘Declaration of position’. Update 07/12/2023:
A lively discourse has been triggered by the Declaration, online and by Email. And an article looking at the Definition of peace, Controversies, Aggression, Violence and Civilians was released on René and Mischa Vögtli's website

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2022 Global Celebration Events

100 Years Reiki – One global Celebration

Put your celebration on the map! Just imagine the globe lighting up in a celebratory spirit. Wherever you have an event honouring Reiki’s first century, whenever during 2022 you celebrate, share it and revel in the joy of what we have in common.

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Third party

Reiki Rays healing SUMMIT 2022

Healing Summit 2022 from 11th to 16th November – Finding Peace in the Eye of the Storm: A Call for Peaceful Hearts on Creating A Peaceful World Update 08/09/2022:
In November 22 the presentations was released at no charge. To access permanently, there will be a fee.

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Survey 2010-2020
René with Corona Virus France and Suisse flag embedded
Reconciliaton Feature Phyllis from behind walking away

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