RECONCILIATION – Along the Path of Mastery

“It is not about my Reiki Master, my lineage, it’s about our Reiki and it’s about our gift to humanity.”

The global expansion of Reiki began after Hawayo Takata’s death in 1980. Phyllis Lei Furumoto played a pivotal role and was central to the dispute over Takata’s succession. She was one of the last witnesses from this formative period of Reiki’s history and continued to be active until her passing on 31st March 2019.

In this interview-documentary, Phyllis Furumoto answers questions about this tumultuous time with astonishing openness. Her moving insights and revelations are inspiring. Her acknowledgement of past mistakes, and thus her contribution to reconciliation, is exemplary even beyond the Reiki community.

Sixty-six forthright answers about discrimination, finance, power battles, betrayal and regrets, forgiving and legacy. They provide insights into 3 generations and give information of historic value.

When we filmed Reconciliation Phyllis Furumoto covered many topics. To preserve this valuable footage we produced these 66 videos. They are in chronological order, i.e. “Religion?” was filmed in autumn 2015 in Berlin and “Prelude” in spring 2016 in Arizona.

We sell these documentary videos to recuperate the cost of their production and of this website.

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