The RCircle – Reconciliaton in action


The RCircle consists of international Russian-speakers uniting 9 people from Israel, Italy, Russia, Isle of Man and Kazakhstan.

They worked diligently for two years on the translation of 66 Steps on the path to RECONCILIATION, the archive of 66 videos in total 10 hours of documentary footage of interviews with Phyllis Lei Furumoto.

RCircle was initiated by Iryna Ostapyuk in 2018. Throughout this process, the volunteers collaborated with each other and adopted the way of shared leadership. With justified joy, Iryna says that the group “proved its functioning as a living structure demonstrating the capacity to self-regulation, dedication and creativity”.

Trailer: 66 Steps on the Path to RECONCILIATION

Conciliatory Value

Teamwork in the way the RCircle has demonstrated, is to me “reconciliation in action”. I congratulate each of you and thank you on behalf of the cause greater than each of us individually. May the wealth of this treasure-trove of information be the source of inspiration for Reiki generations to come.

Translating the words of Furumoto-sensei, the members of the RCircle delved deeply into themselves. They reported that each of them went through profound inner processes resulting in personal growth catalysed by Phyllis’ wisdom and generosity.


René Vögtli

Let us bow in gratitude to the RCircle consisting of:

Portrait Iryna Ostapyuk
Iryna Ostapyuk, Italy
Portrait Dima Budansky Satori, Israel
Dima Budansky Satori, Israel
Portrait Inna Upart
Inna Upart, Israel
Portrait Ma Ritambhara (Rita Zlotnikov)
Ma Ritambhara (Rita Zlotnikov), Israel
Portrait Yana Ilyayeva
Yana Ilyayeva, Kazakhstan
Portrait Iosif Kremenetskiy
Iosif Kremenetskiy, Russia
Portrait Yuliya Sasina-Yates
Yuliya Sasina-Yates, Isle of Man
Portrait Marina Vorobieva
Marina Vorobieva, Israel
Portrait Gregory Vasiliev
Gregory Vasiliev, Israel

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