Declaration of my position
- My position is in between the opposing fronts. Because I want to be open to talk with each side.
- I believe that dialogue alone can lead to peace.
- I condemn terrorism and its atrocities, violations of international agreements and desecration of humans’ dignity. By whoever.
- I am against war.
- I take responsibility for my own feelings such as resignation, fury or fear. Above all, I empathise with the victims of violence. Everywhere.
- I am not helpless and I trust that I can do something in the face of any adversity. Always.
With this declaration, if only symbolically, I step between hostile parties. I am unarmed and committed to keeping an open mind and heart. I endeavour to uphold my stance in the hope to contribute to emerging resolutions. Whenever.
October 2023
More a bout this peace initiative …
List of Signatories
Name or Organisation | Profession | Country |
Ina | Trainerin | Germany |
S.K. | Translator, writer and Reiki teacher | Germany |
Jose Antonio | Profesor | Spain |
M. Karmen Angulo | Maestra de Reiki | Spain |
Hannelore Duensing | Germany | |
Sunny K. | Reiki-Praktizierende | Switzerland |
FB | German-Trainer | Austria |
Karin B. | Translator | Germany |
corinne grond | malerin | Switzerland |
Bronwen Logan | Reiki Practitioner | Australia |
GSF | Sozialpädagogin | Germany |
Adriana Cortés | Psicopositiva | Argentina |
Robert Kramps | Reiki Master | Netherlands |
Norbert Eisenring | Engineer | Switzerland |
Vallérie de Bykowska-Wartelle | Activ 芸者11.0 | France |
Tom Ulrich | Musician | Switzerland |
Chasity vernier | Yoga teacher | United States |
Sabine Hochmuth | Reiki-Meisterin und -Lehrerin | Cyprus |
Marcel Scherrer | Retired / Reiki Master and Engineer | Switzerland |
Walter Tresch | Musiker | Switzerland |
Sabine Legenhausen | Germany | |
Barbara Glück | pensioner | Germany |
Maya Cairoli | Reikimeister | Switzerland |
Waltraud F. | Teacher | Germany |
Anna | Reikista | Spain |