Communication is critical in the reconciliation process. This service to the Reiki community offers insights into varying points of view. Not consent is the objective but listening, learning from and about each other. In the spirit of ‘agreeing to disagree’.
In January 2017 we launched this website with the interview-documentary with Phyllis Lei Furumoto (1948-2019). The main feature has been translated into 6 languages and the historic archive into German and Russian.
Similar in-depth conversations are planned but have not materialized yet. The reconciliation-process in the Reiki community has taken on considerable momentum (see Building bridges). The many encounters with people from all walks-of-Reiki-life and their many different opinions called for a platform on its own.
The intention is to interview senior protagonists in the Reiki community with reconciliation in mind. To do so the interviewee receives extensive space to explore the past in 10-12 hours of filming. A main feature film is extracted from this raw material which in turn is made available fully in an archive.
Such productions are very demanding for the interviewee as well as for the production. They need time and many resources. This in part explains why thus far only one such production was realised by us.
The RTalks do not substitute the documentary-interviews, they are a separate format with its own purpose.
All videos can be found on RTalk.

The R can stand for Reconciliation or for Reiki. RTalks appear in regular intervals. René and his fellow discussant focus on a specific topic but typically it is a free-flowing discussion allowing excursions beyond the intended theme.
In a pilot video the purpose of RTalks is questioned by René’s strongest critic, fellow Reiki Teacher and his business partner and wife Mischa Vögtli-Egloff.
The first of the regular RTalks features Dr. Francis Vendrell (August 2020) with the topic ‘COHERENCE’ (is reiki an energy, where does it come from?). Thereafter, topics ranging from ‘UNCONDITIONAL’ to ‘AUTHENTICITY’ and ‘RACISM’ will be covered – always in relation to Reiki.
Language barrier
While we honour the differences of cultures and traditions of people, we endeavour not allow language barriers be in the way of reconciliation. We therefore actively invite the community to help us with the translation. The prime example of this is the translation of the video-archive whereby a team of 9 people and from 5 countries have collaborated with each other. See The RCircle.
The RTalks are in English, often times not with native speakers, possibly with accents. Thus we ensure that they have subtitles in English for better understanding.
The guests in RTalks may translate the video into their mother-tongue. Or any other language for that matter. To facilitate the process, help us with the translation please:
Volunteer as a translator
we are constantly looking for volunteers for translations for our subtitles to the videos. We supply you with the English transcript and an initial automatically translated draft in your language. All you need do is correct the draft. If you like to support us this way please register as a subtitle contributor.
Conciliatory value
This service invites people to share their opinions, their truths. It is essential to “put ourselves in the shoes of the other”, see Bishop Tutu.
Thus, RTalks are of immense conciliatory value!