RTalk 'Opend-mindedness' - William Rand Lee

2 July 2021

A Reiki Master teacher worldwide for over 30 years. Single and no children. At peace and centered, William Lee Rand talks to René about his life experience and being open to the world.

“A great RTalk – interesting, entertaining, instructive! A milestone.” (First viewer)

Sure, William looks at the world from his perspective, yet he concedes to every other human being their own thoughts and actions and truth to the fullest extent. Acceptance and tolerance are basic prerequisites in this process.

William believes responsibility for his healing comes from within himself, not without.

“…my basic philosophy is that I am 100% responsible for everything that happens to me…”

William makes it very clear to the listener how important one’s concepts and thoughts are for manifesting one’s reality and that healing always results in a brighter reality. Instead of viewing dissatisfaction in life as originating from something outside ourselves, William has discovered that we are completely responsible for everything we experience, both what we like and what we do not like.

The message of losing everything to get everything and walking on your own path to find out what to do to create a better life is, according to William, the key and the lock, all in one. We hold both in our hands at the same time. “Unlock yourself” is the inspiring motto of life.

René and William profoundly explore the question of the human conscience and ask: What is right or wrong? Who defines this? Can human beings free themselves from the constraints of society, stand up for openness to the world and dwell entirely in their own truth? With rational minds often citing “evidence-based facts” and despite the current trials, they come to a promising conclusion:

“… actually, I believe that the world is becoming a better place, and it has been for some time…”


William Lee Rand, is the founder and president of The International Center for Reiki Training and the founder of The Center for Reiki Research. He is also the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Reiki News Magazine. He has authored and co-authored numerous books and over 100 articles on Reiki’s history, philosophy and practice. William has extensively researched the origin and nature of Reiki and most recently written An Evidence-Based History of Reiki.

William is the originator of Reiki systems which he continues to evolve ever since he has become a Reiki Teacher in 1989.

Between 1997 and 2004, he placed World Peace Crystal Grids at the North and South Pole and in Jerusalem allowing practitioners worldwide to join together regularly to promote world peace. Almost half a million of the World Peace Grid cards have been downloaded for use in this meditation.

William has a strong background in metaphysics and has been a professional astrologer, hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist, rebirther, and is certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

William has dedicated his life to Reiki and has taught full- time around the worldwide for more than over three decades. He encourages all Reiki practitioners to work together in harmony to bring peace to the earth.


The most recent book: An Evidence Based History of Reiki and all previous works William has authored and co-authored are available in store/books.
The quarterly magazine Reiki News Magazine is available in digital or hard copy in store/reiki-news-magazine


The International Center for Reiki Training: reiki.org


07:21 “Open-mindedness at the top of intellectual virtues”. Professor Wayne D. Riggs: ou.edu/cas/philosophy/people/faculty/wayne-riggs

12:34: “Twin peaks of doom and hope”. Professor Yanis Varoufakis, TedTalk: capitalism_will_eat_democracy_unless_we_speak_up 

19:54: Steven Pinker: The Better Angels of Our Nature : wiki/The_Better_Angels_of_Our_Nature

23:17: Ghana alumna Julia Oppong: “The Power of an Open Mind”: youtu.be/7X7cOB1FQoY

29:53: Maryam Fuad Bukhash, UAE Psychology Dpt, “True Definition of Being Open-minded”, TedTalk: youtu.be/cvr3oh_Wy9U





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