Once upon a time, Reikinho was born in Portugal. He became the hero for many children motivating them to do Reiki. He exists as a puppet but chiefly he plays the main role in a book. Then, one day, grown-ups from the UK, the Netherlands and Austria decided that Reikiho needed cousins in their country.
Not a fairy tale
In September 2018 the European Reiki Group came into existence in Geneva. (See ERG.) The various national inclusive associations presented their work. Among them Silvia Oliveira who reported their achievements in introducing Reiki in Portugal to children and in schools. The audience was in awe. So many of us had dreamed of this and what appeared as a fairy tale to us was reality in Portugal. (See No sect – an act of Reconciliation.)
In May 2019 a delegation of Reiki Teachers from Switzerland and the Netherlands visited the schools in the North of Portugal to make first hand experiences. (See From summer to autumn into the Future.) Berthy Cambier and Marian Boers were so enthused that they decided to approach schools in the Netherlands in order to introduce similar programs there. Currently, the first pilot projects are on their way. Watch this space for a report to follow.
Reikinho, the super hero
Silvia Oliveira is the source of the project “Reiki into schools”. Her achievements are considerable. In fact, the Reiki work done in Portugal is exemplary. Not least because they also include the teachers and the parents of the children. This article gives you an impression in English language. It is from Annie Harrington’s website. She too was in Geneva and taken by the wonderful work in Portugal.

To teach Reiki to children, one needs to adapt the narrative for them. This gave birth to Reikinho. Silvia decided to write a children’s book with illustrations and a hero who personifies Reiki. The book became a success and soon a doll followed satisfying also the haptic senses and a kid’s desire to cuddle. (The photography by Arno Greter in this article shows Reikinho on a stop-over on a tree in Switzerland.)
The book
Annie had Super Reikinho, the book, translated into English.
But not enough: In August 2020 Berthy will publish Reikinho in Dutch language in the Netherlands. Contact webshops www.kelbo.nl or www.amazon.com for orders. Berthy Cambier’s website and Marian Boer’s website.
And for the German edition there are endeavours under way by our Austrian Colleagues.

Conciliatory value
The wish to bring Reiki into schools was so strong that questions of Reiki styles, traditions or such were completely irrelevant. Across division lines of languages, cultures and ages the vision of a future with children having access to Reiki unites passionate and committed Reiki practitioners.
We at reiki-conciliation are happy to support this development and are looking forward to reporting on further progress.