Nothing gets Elaine more cross than belief systems. She likens ‘authenticity’ rather with facts of life than with belief systems. Particularly if the latter is dogmatic or declared superior. What does it mean to be an authentic human being, and particularly in Reiki? Humans’ neediness to belong often hampers individual’s progress. At the end, a one needs to ‘walk the talk’. Particularly Reiki teachers find themselves often alone on their path. Which in turn may lead to breaking away from a community. It can be a challenge to speak one’s truth … but at times is necessary even if it is an only voice in the room.
The privilege of being an initiator comes hand-in-hand with the responsibility to allow insight into one’s authentic being.
A cultural difference: in Asia payment for energy services such as a Feng Shui is ingrained in the society. In Europe this work is often expected to be cheap or even for free.
Racism in relationship to authenticity. Political correctness must not prevent people from taking a stance. A video clip shows Trevor Noah emphasising the need to talk about racism. It is not about assigning blame but about talking of the past so that everyone can move forward and understand why things need to be fixed.
We need to dare to speak uncomfortable truths as Racism is rooted in ignorance. “when you talk to somebody who’s been at the other end of the stick then you really start to experience more empathy and compassion with that person”.
Reiki means holistic healing which is another word for saying: finding one’s true authenticity. This entails to “look at your belief systems, your structures, your past, your culture looking at all the isms, looking at everything that you think as truth. And really examining it against the facts!”
Elaine Hamilton Grundy discovered Reiki over twenty five years ago and was delighted to have found such a powerful self-healing technique. She became a Reiki Master in 1995 and juggled teaching Reiki with a busy corporate career until setting up The Reiki Centre in 2007. Elaine has trained thousands of Reiki students and over 80 Reiki Masters via her vigorous Teacher training program
Elaine is author of Reiki, Pure and Simple a down to earth and accessible introduction to Reiki, and shares many resources and articles on her blog and YouTube channel.
Her latest book Reiki – A Path to Freedom outlines the spiritual aspect of Reiki that is often side-stepped or forgotten. Reiki is essentially and originally a spiritual practice based on self-knowledge, as Usui (the founder of Reiki) put it, Reiki is “the secret method for gaining happiness”.
Website of Elaine Hamilton Grundy
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Eight Times America Surprised Trevor – #Racism Denial