“Tears are salty, blood is red and joy is sweet. Anywhere.” This is true irrespective of ethnicity, nationality or other identity-markers. Language is central to overcome division lines, to facilitate communication, both within groups and between groups.
A declared objective of Reiki-Conciliation is to build bridges across division lines. For this purpose we engage in different projects. One of them is RTalk introducing fascinating personalities. To cross possible language barriers we provide these videos with subtitles in many languages.
These efforts have yielded expertise of our own
In partnership with Captionfy we created a user friendly working platform for our team. As a further developmental step we founded LAFER, a specialist for transcribing videos, creating close captions (cc) and translations for subtitles.
You record online meetings and want to share them with subtitles in other languages?
LAFER is a reliable partner upholding confidentiality and security for your contents.
You are a YouTuber or video producer and you need closed captions?
LAFER is professional, quick and produces high quality translations.
All you need is a transcript of your film material?
LAFER provides you with the format you need, with time-stamps or text only.
Most importantly, in LAFER the human touch is what we cherish. Yes, we use AI and cutting-edge technology but they are merely supporting cast. You as a client and the individuals in the Team are the lead actors.
Conciliatory value
To cross language barriers in itself has a high conciliatory value. Furthermore, there are dozens of translators involved in LAFER who themselves come from different backgrounds. They all share the vision of reconciliation.
The structure of LAFER is future orientated and innovative. It aims to connect old-paradigm organizational realities with experimental new ideas.
Website: lafer.cc
Author: René Vögtli. The quote at the beginning is what I remember that Niklaus Brantschen said in a TV discussion about occidental and oriental people. It was some 25 years ago and had a lasting effect on me. Brantschen is a Jesuit priest and Zen master: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklaus_Brantschen