15 October 2021

Much in life can be viewed from several angles. This is also true of the world itself: we can look at it from a very materialistic viewpoint. Or our view on the world comes from an immaterial perspective. Lofty discussion points are being discussed by the two men in a very personal, even intimate manner. To the point that the wife of the guest, Marie-Luise Bolius makes a surprise appearance and exclaims:  

“Your conversation is an encouragement to stand up for one’s own opinion.” 

The materialistic perspective has had a long tradition in our western culture. It could be summarized in a nutshell: What I cannot see (measure) does not exist. This world view has been the driving force behind technological progress, capitalism as an economic system and patriarchy.

“In a finite world we cannot have infinite growth. It’s just not working, it’s simple mathematics.”

We don’t have an equally strong tradition in the immaterial perspective. This mindset asks very different questions: What is there besides what we can clearly see? What’s the meaning of my life? How will my life become more complete by integrating spirituality and encounter with nature? How can I, instead of just looking at myself, also look at the world as a whole, at my fellow human beings and all living beings? Which perspective is superior?

Of course, the answer to this question is that both perspectives are equally important. However, as many regard the materialistic approach more important, balancing the perspectives is an imperative contribution to individual and global healing.

In “World View” we contemplate situations where one perspective is more effective than the other and discuss how these approaches can be used in harmony with each other in the spirit of ‘as well as’. 


After studying technical chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology, I worked in basic climate research in Switzerland for 6 years. I used to analyze ice cores from distant glaciers in order to elicit the secrets of past fluctuations in climate and environmental pollution.

Obviously, however, I did not find the answer to all of my questions in science and so I turned to Reiki, a spiritual Japanese technique to support self-healing powers. This led me to become self-employed and I taught Reiki for many years. During this time I realized that spirituality and science are not fundamentally in contradiction to one another but, on the contrary, can certainly be fruitful.

In a later phase of life, my need to use the ratio in work resurfaced again. So it was a perfect match when my wife asked me for support in her business before the birth of our second child. This business was graphic- and web design and thus I got involved especially with WordPress offering support to our customer’s websites. We have given many WordPress workshops ever since. 


David Bolius: bolius.net
David und Marie-Luise Bolius: grafikwien.com


Bolius, D., 2006, Paleo climate reconstruction based on ice cores from the Andes and the Alps, Dissertation, Universität Bern
Bolius, D., 2015, REIKI für Skeptiker
Bolius, ML, & D., 2021, WordPress für EinsteigerInnen




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